Tuesday 20 February 2007

I don't like weekdays!

Mainly because I don't have my handyman around to help and I know if I do too much and injure myself I'll get shouted at. It's all mainly clearing the areas I want to use and planning what's going where.

Tempted now with square foot gardening if I can fit more into a small space. A trip to the library might be in order to see if they have any books on it. I can't even do any sowing which is my favourite bit as I'm not sure if the weather will change suddenly.

Might go and buy some gardening gloves today. I don't mind not using them when I'm planting but pulling up weeds without them is icky, especially if I touch a slug which will send me screaming down to the other end of the garden!

Also as a side thought if I have loads of frogs in the garden, why do I still manage to have loads of snails and slugs??? I have a feeling it's because of all the ivy on the wall which is being destroyed as we go...but it's still puzzling! Thought that frogs were supposed to love slugs and snails!

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