Sunday, 25 February 2007

A nice day at last!

So we're about to go out and attempt some gardening. The children are already outside getting covered in mud so it'll be baths all round later :o)

Brambles/ivy here we come...muhahahahah!

Update - argh! The ivy seems to be backing down but the brambles are a bit too much for me I'm afraid :o( Got to remember that little and often will get me there eventually!

1 comment:

Johnty Greentoes said...

Dear Rachel

Got to your blog via Grapevine Forum.

Yours is a great blog - and yes it is inspirational.

Love the jewellry as well. I have been musing with making something necklacey ith all the bits of clay tobacco pipe I keep finding on my plot.

Would it be OK with you if I included a link to your blog from mine. I get feedback from people saying they like being able to skip through related blogs.
